Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hi guys, so to the right over here ---------------------------------------------->
are some of my youtube videos and it would be rad if you checked them out :D


  1. thx for the link! will check em out!

  2. Q: Wouldn't it be awwwsome to have Upstairs videos of us kickin-some-ass against demons? A: Anything is possible, child. Follow us and wiseabove...

    What's your address again in the hereafter, dear?? Mine is: 111 Rock-Solid-Ave, MilkyWeight, Seventh-Heaven - an intense, stuccoish mansion in a cul-de-sac with mountain biking trails you may conform with your thots AND a sassy, savvy, passionate antidote: an ultra-intense, kick-ass, party-hardy every, single, evening with avatars, faeries, cereal killers and front-row-seats: IQ... K2... and beyond. Everything and more!! is YOURS in the Great Beyond with our eXquisite ostentation.

    Wanna join me? ...cuzz the other realm aint too cool, brudda.

  3. Q: Wouldn't it be awwwsome to have Upstairs videos of us kickin-some-ass against demons? A: Anything is possible, child. Follow us and wiseabove...

    What's your address again in the hereafter, dear?? Mine is: 111 Rock-Solid-Ave, MilkyWeight, Seventh-Heaven - an intense, stuccoish mansion in a cul-de-sac with mountain biking trails you may conform with your thots AND a sassy, savvy, passionate antidote: an ultra-intense, kick-ass, party-hardy every, single, evening with avatars, faeries, cereal killers and front-row-seats: IQ... K2... and beyond. Everything and more!! is YOURS in the Great Beyond with our eXquisite ostentation.

    Wanna join me? ...cuzz the other realm aint too cool, brudda.
